Energy efficiency
The cost of energy is continually increasing, and it is necessary to optimise operating working costs to improve profitability of industrial units and their economic reliability in the long term.
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Low-carbon & Energy efficiency
FE supports industry in its energy transition by offering innovative solutions to reduce energy consumption and decarbonize industrial processes. Our technologies optimize productivity and reclaim waste heat, contributing to reducing CO₂ emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.
We recover and recycle energy sources from 20 to 150°C (steam, air, water) and restore them up to 200°C, thus reducing gas consumption and promoting process electrification.
Our solutions are based on :
Mechanical Vapor Recompression (MVR)
High-temperature heat pumps (HTHP)
We know how to combine these technologies to meet our customers’ specific requirements and maximize the energy efficiency of their facilities.
A concrete impact on CO₂ reduction thanks to the use of low-carbon electricity and the optimization of thermal flows. Our solutions not only reduce CO₂ emissions, it also improves the energy efficiency of your processes.

Energy efficiency Technologies
In addition to our existing applications, our technologies are also applicable to :
Dryers / spray drying: recovery of waste energy from air and/or steam vapors
Sterilization / fermentation: energy recovery from fermenters, sterilizers
Recovering hot effluent
Energy recovery from cooling tower networks
Our technologies are fully in line with carbon neutrality objectives, reusing waste energy and reducing dependence on fossil fuels.
Subsidies and third-party financing
FE can help you finance your low-carbon projects by identifying eligible subsidies:
White certificates (ESC, EEC) and as well as other subsidies available in the factory country
Support from our financial partners for third-party financing solutions
These grants can help accelerate your energy transition by reducing investment costs while maximizing economic and environmental benefits.