Digestate treatment
France Evaporation is a specialist in the treatment and recycling of digestates and manure. We are developing the most performing and most sustainable solutions for concentration and recycling on the market. Complete and user friendly, our solutions will reduce your operation costs.
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A global solution for valorization of manure and digestates in an economical loop
Flexible and modular, our installations can be adapted to your objectives, your investment strategy and your technical constraints (layout, processes, etc.).
Our strengths
- 90% reduction in volume on average
- Service life greater than 25 years

France Evaporation innovation
An innovative process for the recovery and recycling of energy, which boosts the overall performance of the plant.
- 100% of the biomethane recovered in injection
- Up to 50% reduction in overall energy consumption

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France Evaporation is a partner of BiogazVallée
An economical solution
- Reduction in the digestate volume
- Reduced costs for transport, storage and spreading
- Optimum re-use of products: fertilizer, amendments and biomethane
A regulatory solution
- Optimisation of spreading plans
- Purification for discharge into the natural environment
An eco-friendly solution
- Separation of the elements, N, P and K
- Development of targeted fertilizers, with high agricultural value
- Nitrogen fertilizers: ammonium sulphate/nitrate, ammonia water
- Organic-based amendments
A low-energy solution
- Optimisation of the plant’s yield
- High performance technology: Mechanical Vapour Re-compression (MVR)
A sustainable solution
- High level performance, steady over time
- Little sensitivity to variations in the input
- Very low breakdown rate
An ecological solution
- Optimised energy consumption
- Maximum recycling of by-products
- Complete purification of discharged products
Experience and expertise
France Evaporation brings together a complete team of engineers specialised in the treatment of digestates and manure. It ensures you a global approach to your problems.
Experts in evaporation and concentration technologies
- Evaporation: falling film, forced circulation, under vacuum
- Stripping, reverse osmosis
- Energy efficiency, mechanical vapour re-compression, multiple effect
A global and comprehensive response
- Installation audit
- Project development support
- Laboratory testing
- Pilot test (workshop or on-site)
- Turnkey projects
- Installation and start-up
- Maintenance and operation
25 years of experience
- Unique expertise on the market
- Feedback which secures your projects
Great ease of use and maintenance
- 100% automated units
- Controlled maintenance
Compact units
- Incorporation into all types of sites
- No environmental nuisance (noise, odours, etc.)